You can view an exhibition of some of my latest work at Zico House in Sanayeh, Beirut, from August 19th till August 25th, 2009. The exhibition consists of experimental works in Ink/Pencil and color reanging from Gouaches to Watercolors to even highlighters. Zico House is open from 4pm till 8pm daily except for Sunday.
“This series is a catalyst for future work. It’s experimental, and it’s somewhat a study of relationships, both on a human level, and on an artistic level. There are certain relationships that are mirrored in different compositions. The series is intended not to be representational so that it can pass beyond our usual concepts of what is common, and open up a space for discovery.”
The opening will be on August 19, 2009 at 6:00pm at Zico House. Details below:
Zico House
174 Spears Street,
Sanayeh, Beirut, Lebanon
Phone: 03-614355
email: mk((at))lebrecord((dot))com
The exhibition will then move to be on display at the Ain El Delb Cultural Club in Ain el Delb, Saida Lebanon till September 20, 2009.